Sustainable Summer FUN

Sustainable Summer FUN

Instead of any feelings of guilt or shame around the plastic that we DO use, we spend July celebrating our FAVORITE swaps, sharing tips that make our lives easier and products that make plastic free FUN. This email we are kicking off the summer with FUN and focusing on the products that keep summer care free and low waste! 
June 16, 2024 — Marilla Gonzalez
5 tips to make refilling easy!

5 tips to make refilling easy!

The idea of refilling is fairly straightforward. Step one: Bring a container. Step Two: fill the container. Step three: repeat steps one and two. Doing this and this alone keeps THOUSANDS of containers out of the waste stream every day and we love being a part of this process. With that being said, I've been in the business of refilling containers for almost a decade now and I have a few tricks up my sleeve that I'd like to share today that make refilling a bit simpler. A little refill "Savoir-Faire" if you will.